A-LOT happens during a ceremony with Ayahuasca that is too beautiful to encapsulate in words.
I will, however, from time to time, attempt to share tiny reflections from my experiences for those it may resonate with 🙂
During my last encounter with the divine spirit that is this magickal medicine, I connected with an immense feeling of clarity about what I want to dedicate my life to. It ignited a fire within me that feels almost too large to contain.
With that clarity, I am coming back to my life and feeling and seeing how I can align more and more of my thoughts and actions around that purpose. It's a journey of bringing more aspects of myself and my life into alignment.
Grandmother Ayahuasca often leaves me in awe. I feel so much of it currently, in addition to immense gratitude for connecting to what I received.
It's my profound gratitude for what Ayahuasca has allowed me to feel that my whole being wants to forever be in service to her and the energy she brings forth... the energy of Mother Earth, and the entire universe. The Divine Cosmic Mother.
I pray that everyone at some point, in some way, can experience the feeling of being connected to this energy and this prayer is the intention that feeds the retreats I am organizing with my friend and mentor, Mercedes.
And, I share this picture of these cats, because I ended up at the ceremony where I experienced this because of them.
My friend was part of the group assisting the Taitas who came from Colombia this past weekend to share their medicine. The first ceremony was on Friday. On Saturday, he posted this picture on his status, and naturally, given my deep love of cats, I was compelled to comment on it.
We started to chat and since I knew he was in ceremony the night before, I asked how it went. He replied "full voltage".
The moment I read that I felt the strongest 'pull', or desire, to drink Ayahuasca with them.
Luckily, I had 2 hours to arrive in time and I quickly packed a bag and got an Uber to take me on the hour-long ride to the middle of the world... the location in Ecuador the equator passes through, where the ceremony was being held.
And well, the rest is history as they say, and for me another indescribable imprint that Ayahuasca leaves on my heart forever. So this is also a gratitude post for the big cat energy that called me to the ceremony where I had this ineffable experience.