Private ayahuasca retreat & private ayahuasca retreat in ecuador:
If you’re thinking about choosing to immerse yourself on a private Ayahuasca retreat in Ecuador, this is a bit about what you can expect.
The retreat begins before you land in Ecuador. We meet virtually to discuss your intention and talk about the ways in which you can prepare yourself to support yourself along this process. This looks like receiving recommendations about the types of foods, substances and activities to avoid to support your body in the cleansing process. It includes suggestions for practices you can incorporate to cultivate a sense of mindfulness, and tools such as breathwork to begin familiarizing yourself with, as it may come in handy during your journeys with Ayahuasca.
Once you arrive for your private Ayahuasca retreat in Ecuador, we will have someone waiting for you at the airport to pick you up, and take you to the space where you will be staying and resting throughout your time here. Since your private Ayahuasca retreat is curated just for you, we will pick the location of your stay based on your preferences. There are options on every end of the spectrum, whether you prefer simple lodging or something fancier with bells and whistles. You just let us know, and we handle all of the logistics, organization, and planning.
We can accommodate all diets when it comes to food – whether your vegetarian, vegan, etc… the ingredients we work with always come from local producers and prepared with much love.
Plant baths are a powerful way to cleanse the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies of ailments and/or negative energies that may have been received or are trapped in our energetic field. We frequently work with these plant allies prior to ceremonies to cleanse and prepare ourselves to receive the sacred ayahuasca medicine. We also share a plant bath for flourishing, working with a combination of plants that support us in calling in the things that we want for ourselves and our lives while on this process of healing and illumination.
When it comes to the ceremonies, we think of them as happening in three phases. The first is arriving to the space. Connecting to and settling into the energy of the space. It is about grounding and preparing oneself to receive the medicine. Rapé is a complementary medicine that we work with, and sometimes offer prior to serving Ayahuasca. It is tobacco in powdered form, sometimes mixed with the cuttings of other plants or trees. Rapé helps us to ground down into the earth, so that from those strong roots, we can open up and connect to the spiritual realm with Ayahuasca. It serves to cleanse the mind of impurities and if needed, to help cleanse the body.
Once the Ayahuasca is served, we sit in meditation with ourselves as we begin to connect to the medicine.
As the energy of the medicine begins to rise within us, we begin the second phase of the ceremony. One may feel discomfort as the medicine tends to the physical needs of our bodies. If the body needs to purge in order to liberate itself of stagnant energies or impurities, it may result in a need to vomit, go to the bathroom, yawn, laugh, cry or shake. When the energy of the medicine rises and we enter into a trance, we enter the realm of the unconscious and can begin to feel and see the things that have remained hidden to us. We are faced with the things we must feel in order to heal, release, and move forward. It is during this phase where we receive the insights and understandings necessary in order to grow and evolve.
Throughout the ceremony, you are offered three opportunities to drink Ayahuasca. In some cases, it may be four.
By the time the last cup of Ayahuasca is offered, we enter the third phase of the ceremony. A time of contemplation, reflection, and celebration. It is marked by a feeling of being reborn, and having traversed the challenges faced throughout the experience, be it physical, mental or emotional.
There are various ways in which we close the ceremony, once the medicine has worn off and the time for rest has come, but it can include a ceremony of offerings to the fire to share what we became aware of, what we take away from the experience, and what we are grateful for, as an example.
While the Ayahuasca ceremonies are the central focus of a private Ayahuasca retreat, there are complementary activities that may be included, depending on the intention and desire of the participants. This can be therapeutic workshops if the intention is to heal from specific emotional wounds, shamanic rituals to connect with ancestors and the natural world, or excurions in nature.
After you leave, there is virtual support for you as you integrate all that was experienced and learned, and begin the real ceremony, the ceremony that is your life.
The beauty of the private retreat is that it is entirely designed to support YOU and your intention.